10 ways to refresh your home this New Year

It’s a new year, a new you, and if one of your resolutions was to cleanse your lifestyle, your home is a big part of that. Here are ten ways to help organise your home and breathe a new lease of life into it, without having to do any major alterations.

Lick of paint

From a welcoming new look for the front door, to the skirting boards, to the kitchen cabinets, a lick of paint can take something which is starting to look a bit dated and give it a refresh.


Explore Pinterest and see some of the cool home items you can create from old furniture – you could turn a bedframe into a bench for the garden or an old cot into a desk for the kids. Before you chuck it, see if it could serve another handy purpose.

Sort the garden

With Spring on the way, it’s time to start tidying up your garden. Whether it’s putting in a vegetable patch or creating a decking area for the summer BBQs, make sure it’s all ready for when the weather turns!

Give the spare room some purpose

Is your spare room turning into a dump for all of your odds and ends? You could make it into a home gym, a games room or an office.

Have a clear out

It’s time to clear out the drawers and paperwork of things you ‘definitely’ needed to keep for the last ten years! Get them into the recycling pile and out of the home, so you can start collecting 2017’s odd bits and bobs.

Rearrange the furniture 

Feeling restless with your home’s current layout? Have a shuffle around and move art and accessories into different rooms – and give your room a fresh and new feeling.

Change the colour scheme of a room

Whether it’s just buying a new duvet cover and cushions, or a complete overhaul, treat yourself to some hygge this 2017.


Add a rug, some candles, a plant or a new photo frame of memories from 2016 to spruce up your space and make you feel cosy, comfortable and at home.

Room-by-room organisation 

Do a deep clean of your home. Clean out the kitchen cupboards and put them back in a better order, re-organise your wardrobe or set up a recycling area to help you start 2017 more organised.

Create a new space 

Get the creativity flowing by creating a new window seat, working area, snug space or some area around the home which is your designated spot. A new space and energy will stimulate you with your work this 2017.

Start 2017 with an uncluttered and refreshed home with any of our pointers above, and tick off that resolution!


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