outdoor space

Would you pay more for a south-facing garden?

Would you pay more for a south-facing garden?

Read the full story.

Property news   |   July 29, 2020
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Find out why home-hunters are prioritising bigger gardens

Find out why home-hunters are prioritising bigger gardens

Get the lowdown, here.

Property news   |   June 8, 2020
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Rental searches for homes with gardens hit record high for the year

Rental searches for homes with gardens hit record high for the year

Rental searches for gardens are now 16% higher compared to the average seen in January and February, and are also up 26% on the same week last year.

Property news   |   April 24, 2020
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Explore four homes with mesmerising green spaces

Explore four homes with mesmerising green spaces

Their natural beauty is outstanding.

Dream properties   |   November 3, 2019
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7 Styles Of Garden To Inspire You

7 Styles Of Garden To Inspire You

We've rounded up examples of seven very different styles of outdoor space you could adopt at home.

Uncategorized   |   April 24, 2017
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