Cottage Farm is perfectly located for all the amenities offered by Oadby. Within a short distance of home are a Sainsbury’s (with a pharmacy), an Argos, a medical centre and the popular Oadby Owl pub.
Of course, you may simply want to enjoy the open space available to you close to town, so you can head to Ellis Park or Coombe Park easily. And for any sports enthusiasts, Glen Gorse Golf Club can be reached in 5 minutes by car, or if you prefer to watch sports rather than take part, Leicester Racecourse is between Oadby and the city itself.
Leicester is also a city full of history. Now famed for its discovery of King Richard III’s remains in 2012, there is a lot to learn about the monarch, with a statue and a visitor centre in the city. Further history can be found in Jewry Wall Museum, which details more about the archaeology of Leicester.