When you engage with the Campbells team you will soon realise that we are a friendly and approachable bunch of property experts who genuinely want to help you.
The best ways to communicate with us are to pick up the phone, drop us a line or just come in and say hello.
A lot of clients tell us how daunting it is to call estate agents as we have this reputation for wanting to know everything and asking tons of questions.
At Campbells, we are different.
Feel free to ask any question you like and we promise to be as honest and up front as we can without wanting to know all your credentials.
So, whatever you want to achieve, we have the resources here to advise you properly.
Every one of our clients has a different story to tell. Therefore, we have different ways of dealing with their concerns and risks.
Whether you are a seller or a landlord, we have an extensive range of solutions.
Just type 'Campbells Estate Agents' into your internet search engine and you will see the full array of services we offer.
Are you selling or buying?
Are you a landlord or a tenant?
Are you moving out of your area or into another area and would like to be introduced to other like-minded property agents? Here at Campbells, we are pleased to be associated with more than 600 other localised offices.
If you have between 3 and 20 properties and want to have one agent handling all of your investments, or change the agents that you have been dealing with, please drop us a line. Clients tell us how daunting and risky this feels but don't worry, we'll help you. And it doesn't matter where you are in the UK.
Do you need financial advice or life assurance? Do you have an up-to-date will? When making a property transaction, this is the perfect time to organise your affairs, just in case.
Do you need to sell a property quickly, preferably within 14 days? We have investors who pay us to buy properties so there aren't any fees to pay, either.
Do you have a piece of garden that you would like to gain planning permission for?
Do you have a business you want to sell?
Do you have a property that needs a discreet tenant visit or property-health check?
Does a tenant need chasing for rent?
Have you been left with a deceased estate and you just don't know where to start?
You have a niggling concern about a property-related issue and could just do with a chat?
We just wanted you to know that, at Campbells, we are very well equipped to look after you... and your property concerns...properly"
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