Kingsbury Estate Agents, Thornton Heath

48, High Street, Thornton Heath, CR7 8LF

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Thinking of moving?

First of all find out how much your property is worth. As professional independent Estate Agents with vast experience in the local property market, our knowledge and advice are second to none. Our valuations are free - all you need to do is contact our office and arrange a convenient time for us to come and see you.

One of our partners will carry out a brief but thorough inspection of your home and prepare particulars for your approval. Your instructions for us to sell will be confirmed in writing, as will details of our competitive fees and our terms of business.

We will discuss a successful marketing strategy with you. This will include:

External and appropriate internal photographs for incorporation into our full colour laser printed property particulars.

Advertising on high profile websites.

For sale board (with your permission), reduced commission rates apply.

Fast circulation of your property details to our large mailing list of applicants and immediately to new applicants registering with us daily.

Viewings arranged and accompanied by a member of our staff.

Regular updating and reporting to you.

We also operate a more confidential sales service for vendors wishing to achieve a sale without the maximum coverage most vendors prefer.

Branch location

48, High Street, Thornton Heath, CR7 8LF

Map of local area

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