Where does the road to Glastonbury start?

It’s that time of year again – time to dig out the tents, the sleeping bags, the roll mats, and most importantly, the wellies. That’s right, its festival season!

This weekend marks the return of one of Britain’s favourite festivals – Glastonbury. With thousands of us leaving the comfort of our homes behind to flock to the fields with our friends, hundreds of us are left wishing that we’d got tickets (although we do appreciate watching the performances from the comfort of our warm and un-muddy living rooms!).

With this in mind, we decided to have a look at what home Florence Welch, of headliners ‘Florence + the Machine’ has left behind to perform this Friday.

Florence is originally from the opulent London borough of Camberwell, a place sought out by the rich and famous on account of its beautiful Georgian architecture and aesthetic streets. She herself once described it as a ‘creative and eclectic place’ – a perfect place for a star to grow up.

Camberwell itself is particularly sought after, due to its having 2 major hospitals and an art college within it. Plus, according to an estate agent local to the area, it attracts a wide range of professionals including barristers and judges, as well as actors and entertainers. We would happily settle down amongst this eclectic bunch!

Aswell as this, the borough is home to the park Myatt’s Fields, in which Florence herself can remember climbing the trees as a child. If you were to go to Camberwell, you would also be able to visit her local gourmet pub ‘The Crooked Well’, which comes very highly recommended.

So, if you would like to follow in the footsteps of Friday’s headliner’s lead singer, here are some of the properties which you could snap up:

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