How will Santa deliver your presents?
Research by Rightmove finds that Santa faces a chimney challenge when it comes to delivering presents in the UK, as around 2 in 5 homes don’t have a chimney.
This poses the very serious question of how will Santa deliver his presents for December 25th. Rightmove surveyed 1,200 home-owners on this topic and found that a further 7 in 10 of those whose home had a chimney stated that Santa might struggle to get down it to deliver presents. The most common reasons were that it is either; a gas fire (27%), too small (14%), boarded up (13%) or it is an open fireplace (15%) which would cause Santa some discomfort! Of those respondents with young children and either an unusable chimney or no chimney at all, a quarter of parents said their children were ‘concerned’ by this state of affairs.
For peace of mind, and to help Santa along his way this Christmas Eve, we’ve prepared a handy Santa Sign Generator to instruct Santa on how to deliver your presents. Simply enter your details below and tick the best method for delivering presents to your home, then print off your sign and hang it up somewhere prominent this Christmas Eve.
Santa Sign Generator
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