Introducing the new School Checker

Rightmove has added a new School Checker to all properties following research that found it to be the most important factor that influences people when choosing a location.

The feature makes Rightmove the only property website to include catchment indicators and inspection report information for the whole of Great Britain on over one million properties for sale and to rent.

Discover the School Checker now.

Nine in ten parents (93%) consider schools when deciding if a location is right for them, and 83% of them would consider moving to be near a good school.

Even those without kids see it as an important factor, with almost one third saying they would consider moving to be near a good school.

Various focus groups facilitated by Rightmove found that finding the right home near the right school can be a minefield, as up until now there has been no destination that connects the two.

Rightmove has partnered exclusively with School Guide, an independent resource which provides the most comprehensive schools data-set.

Each listing on Rightmove will now display a catchment area indicator using heat maps based on the last available pupil data.  The latest Ofsted (England) / HMIe (Scotland) / Estyn (Wales) rating is also included, along with links to find out more about the school from the School Guide website.

Click here for more information.

James Micklethwait, Rightmove’s Head of Product Development comments:

“Given how important local schools are to many home-hunters, we’re really excited about the launch of our new School Checker.  This is a resource which will provide home-hunters with valuable schools information (including catchment indicators) that they cannot find anywhere else, and we hope it will help them find the right property. By partnering with School Guide we’ve been able to bring all of the information together in one place to help people who in the past were having to search across a number of sources to find the right home near the right school. This is the first stage of enhancing the schools information on Rightmove, and we’ll be building on it further in the coming months.”

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