Happy? You are if you’re in Inverness: City crowned happiest place to live in Scotland

  • Inverness has been voted the happiest place to live in Scotland in the Rightmove Happy at Home Index
  • The city ranks second overall in Great Britain, with high scores in safety, recreation and being house-proud all helping it win the Scottish crown
  • The Happy at Home Index asks residents to rate their local area on 12 distinct factors which are then combined to describe the ‘overall’ happiness of more than 100 places across the country

  • Inverness has been voted the happiest place to live in Scotland, after nearly 50,000 people across Great Britain were asked to rank how happy they feel in their homes and communities.

    Across Great Britain, the city comes second overall out of 111 places, with the Index painting a picture of it as a safe place with plenty to get involved with in the community.

    While Inverness scored highly overall, a few of the factors that rank higher elsewhere in Scotland included space where Kirkcaldy topped the list and neighbourliness which was awarded to Falkirk.

    We have created some limited edition ‘We Love Inverness’ stickers so you can show your support for your town’s win. If you would like to request one please fill in the form here.

    To celebrate it’s top spot, here are some stunning properties in the city available on Rightmove:

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