rightmove places – time to wrap it up

Thanks for helping us with the rightmove places experiment, like all good experiments we’ve learned a lot of useful things and now it’s time to wrap it up…

Some features of rightmove places can be found on Rightmove or on our Rightmove facebook page.

Interesting photos and comments are also regularly posted on our Rightmove facebook page.

Local schools information, including Ofsted reports and Good Schools Guide reviews, is integrated within each individual property details page on Rightmove.

Sold prices intelligence in co-operation with Land Registry and Registers of Scotland can be found within Rightmove’s House Prices section.

Have your tried Draw-a-Search? Rightmove’s innovative search tool which allows you to draw out your exact search area can be found here: Draw-a-Search.

Thanks for joining in – your photos, posts and feedback were really appreciated.

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