Property Wisdom – Spot the Buyer Types

buyersUnderstanding your buyer can mean the difference between a “thanks, but no thanks” and “we’ll take it” – so get the low down before the viewing merry-go-round begins, says property expert Laura Henderson.


Buyers come in all shapes and sizes, but that shouldn’t stop you from applying a little kitchen table psychology to ease the negotiation process. Pin pointing individual ‘types’, can not only boost likely interest levels in your cherished home, it can improve your chances of converting lukewarm browsers into ready-and-willing buyers.

Go-Getters – ambitious, family-orientated high-flyers – they want a house that reflects their status – state-of-the-art kitchens, sumptuous bathrooms and outdoor play areas for the kids. They’ll appreciate a facts-at-your-fingertips approach – point out key assets, then let your house do the talking.

Real dealers – self-made entrepreneurs and ‘creative’ business types – they’re public-spirited and sociable and make great neighbours. They want a place to unwind, a characterful home they can feel a connection to. They enjoy human interaction and will respond well to a personal approach – a welcome handshake, a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Drop in a few historical snippets about the house and draw their attention to any unusual design features.


Stalwarts – champions of old-school values: heavily into family, and community. They work in banking, law, medicine and education and like a conventional way of life. Traditional, characterful properties fit the bill. Less daring in their personality type, they respond well to supportive chat and reassurance – highlight the security of the neighbourhood, the friendly neighbours and the low-maintenance garden.

Trendies – young and upwardly mobile on the lower rungs of the property ladder, they want what the go-getters have but still have some way to go. Their ideal home? A new build townhouse or apartment in a convenient urban location. Sell them the lifestyle. Point out ‘status features’ e.g. Wireless Internet, roof top garden, mood lighting – if it’s an inexpensive home in a desirable neighbourhood you’re selling, then you’re onto a winner.



Keep-It-Uppers – school leavers who have gone straight into the world of work, their ideal property is a below market value ‘fixer-upper’ with garden, close to a town or city centre. Highlight the property’s financial potential and inexpensive ways they can add value.





Laura Henderson is a property columnist, author and investment expert. Her latest book Tricks and Mortar: The Little Book of Property Wisdom is out now on Amazon.

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