How to deal with a ‘missing landlord’
Landlords may be “missing” or uncontactable for a number of reasons. It is important to establish, early on, if the landlord is truly “missing” for the purposes of the legislation to which this article will refer.
Leasehold jargon buster for lessees
As a leaseholder you have important rights and realising these rights is much easier than you might think.
Flat Owners – Lease extensions vs buying your freehold
Making the step from leaseholder to freeholder is an appealing option affording you management control and/or protecting the value of a short lease and it can be cheaper than you think - but there are considerations to take into account.
Lessons in Gobbledygook – Freehold v. Leasehold
One of the first questions you will be asked when contacting solicitor firms for quotes will be:- “Is the property you are buying, freehold or leasehold?”
Extend your lease – increase its market value
Do you own a leasehold flat? Then spare a moment to consider whether you should be extending the lease.