We look after your home 'as if it was ours'
Established in 1995 CPL is a family run business where integrity is the hallmark of all we do.
Experts who take a pride in ensuring all our properties are compliant for landlords and tenants.
Embracing modern technology is great but no replacement for the warmth offered by staff who care.
Thinking about property investment?Choosing an investment property is very different to choosing one to live in yourself. We know what works and what tenants in Cambridge are looking for. We have helped landlords purchase over 60 investment properties. Why not let us help you?
Call Jeremy NOW so we can discuss your needs 01223 32 22 77
Landlord with a property in Cambridge?We can help with finding tenants and property management.
Need help with a renovation?From a light makeover to major restructuring we can help with ideas, specialist knowledge and project management. -
A recent Google Review from a tenant:
'We had a very good experience renting with CPL. They were professional and supportive. Our Property Manager maintained great communication with us and was readily available when we needed it. I'd say that CPL is so far the best letting agent I had in Cambridge.'
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