The majority of sales in Hammersmith And Fulham during the last year were flats, selling for an average price of £675,761. Terraced properties sold for an average of £1,591,684, with semi-detached properties fetching £2,087,526.
Hammersmith And Fulham, with an overall average price of £992,903 was more expensive than nearby Ealing (£671,920) and Hounslow (£581,431), but was cheaper than Kensington And Chelsea (£1,968,023). The most expensive area within Hammersmith And Fulham was Hurlingham (£1,759,000) and the cheapest was Barons Court (£687,496).
Overall sold prices in Hammersmith And Fulham over the last year were similar to the previous year and similar to the 2020 level of £998,090.