Changes in your Rightmove leads regarding requests for mortgage advice

Changes to legislation mean we need to make a change to the leads some agents receive from Rightmove. We must remove the tick box asking Rightmove users whether they would like “Help finding a mortgage” which is found on the desktop version of the lead form.

The information from mobile and app generated leads will be unaffected as these do not currently include this tick box option.

What does this mean for you?

The number of leads you receive from us will not be affected by this change. You and your team can still generate mortgage referrals by asking buyers when they get in touch with you whether they would like to be referred to your affiliated broker.

When will this happen?

The tick box asking buyers about their interest in mortgage information will be removed as of the end of July.

With these changes coming into effect, we are pleased to let you know about some work we’ve been doing to help buyers become better prepared and informed about the mortgage process.

A new trial to help you find better financially qualified buyers

We are trialling some exciting new information on Rightmove, to help home hunters better understand the mortgage application process and encourage buyers to become financially qualified before they make an offer on a property.

A trial for our new ‘Mortgage Timeline’ will launch from the end of July. The Mortgage Timeline has been created to inform home movers at every step of the mortgage process including:

  • What your buyers should prepare and think about before applying
  • Pros and cons of going direct to a lender versus using a broker
  • Why a buyer might get a mortgage in principle
  • Understanding the different types of mortgage
  • A mortgage calculator
  • Where can I access this?

    By the end of July you’ll be able to see it on the top menu and various banners around the site directing them to the Mortgage Timeline.

    How could this improve your leads?

    We have already tested the Mortgage Timeline with potential buyers and we’ve received positive feedback.

    We’ve created the Mortgage Timeline with two benefits for you in mind:

  • To better inform and prepare buyers about mortgages before they send you a lead, improving the chances that they will be better financially qualified and more likely to be proceedable when it comes time to make an offer.
  • To increase the engagement of home hunters, who will spend more time looking at your properties on Rightmove.
  • If you have any questions about the trial, please get in touch with your Rightmove account manager.

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