Take control of your listings on Rightmove
Hi, I’m Alice from the New Homes Customer Service Team and I wanted to show you how you can take control of your Spotlight product and instantly change your advertised incentives with your new and improved Rightmove Admin.
This short video will give you a whistle stop tour of the new features and give you the ability to make changes instantly.
You’ll be able to:
• Change your spotlight sticker at the click of a button for all your plots or just those you have that great incentive on.
• Tailor your advert text for each individual plot – shout about that stunning view on Plot 4 or the great part exchange options you have on Plot 9!
• Change your incentive for several plots in one go with our new default settings.
• Keep your options up to date by making these changes instantly using your Rightmove Admin account.
Don’t just take our word for it, here are some of the things that Developers have been saying about the Spotlight product and tool.
“We have found the spotlight products really useful for not only promoting the various offers that are available on each of our plots but also as an extra tool to make our listings look unique. The spotlight products are really quick and easy to update meaning that we can review these regularly and keep our listings looking fresh.” – Scott Foster at Barratt Homes
“Personally I think that using the spotlight feature on Rightmove draws people into looking at our listings, it enhances the listings and keeps them looking fresh. Without this feature I feel that the click through rate would be lower.” – Henry Faulding at Beal Homes