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If your property is not on Rightmove, you could be missing out on home-movers looking for property in your area.
The Green Deal will allow landlords to undertake energy performance improvement works to their properties at no up-front cost.
An increase in landlords is likely to have a cooling-effect on rental price growth, much to the relief of beleaguered tenants.
Strongest indication yet that landlords are tempering their rental expectations for 2013.
Advice for pet owners looking for suitable rented homes.
2/5 home-owners decided their home was the one for them before they got past the hallway, new research by Rightmove can reveal.
At Rightmove we're keen to hear the views of landlords using our site - and that means you! Landlords, complete our online survey to be entered into a prize draw for a chance to win one of ten ÂŁ50 M&S vouchers!