Give Your Dream Home in the Sun the Twice Over
Overseas property bargains are ripe for picking at present, just make sure you’re clued up about what you’re getting into.
Overseas property bargains are ripe for picking at present, just make sure you’re clued up about what you’re getting into.
Halifax today published some research, which stated that parents think their children should stop going out to afford their first home.
Thinking of letting out your house during the Games? Here’s what you need to keep in mind to keep yourself covered.
Keep your emotions in check when purchasing property or you’ll be paying the price for years to come.
Property negotiations require give and take so keep a few ‘concession tricks’ up your sleeve says property expert Laura Henderson.
The property market is full of false beliefs – make this year different and don’t lose site of what’s important, says property expert Laura Henderson.
There’s no better time than the holidays to embark on a few household repairs. Just be realistic - don’t tackle a job unless you have the skills, says property expert Laura Henderson.
Energy-efficiency measures can boost a home’s value and ‘saleability’ not to mention keeping it toasty in winter, says property expert Laura Henderson.