It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
24 days, 6 hours, 59 minutes and 46 seconds to be precise!*
With snow falling around Rightmove HQ, we couldn’t help but feel festive. The eager ones amongst us have proudly put up our Christmas trees adorned with plentiful amounts of tinsel and reels of fairy lights (if only we could enter Rightmove’s Christmas Tree Competition!) and we’ve already selected our Secret Santas!
If you haven’t quite gotten into the festive spirit yet then this selection of Christmas themed properties should do the trick nicely! And for those of you who have already done all of the Christmas shopping (jealous!) and have cupboards bursting full of mince pies, then what could be better than a snowy log cabin in Lapland!?
Sadly our favourites Snowman House and Nativity Close have been snapped up already – Santa’s little helpers need a place to live too afterall!
*At the time of press! – It’s less now YIPEE!