May 2015

[hpi-table this_month=”May” this_months_change=”-0.1″ this_month_yearly_change=”+2.5%” this_month_ave_price=”285,891″ last_month=”April” last_months_change=”+1.6″ last_month_yearly_change=”+4.7″ last_month_ave_price=”286,133″]

  • Pre-election drop of 0.1% (-£242) on price of property coming to market, the first fall in May since the last general election in 2010 and a big contrast with May 2014’s +2.1% increase
  • Majority government means some of the brakes now off for prospective buyers and sellers:
  • – New seller numbers jumped 17% after the 2010 general election and we anticipate another surge now, giving fresh choice to stock-starved buyers

    – Buyer affordability aided by lowest annual increase for over two years, down to just +2.5%

    – Removal of threat of mansion tax stimulates prime market sector

    – Price rise momentum may be tempered by stricter lending criteria and forthcoming uncertainty of Euro-referendum

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