Legislation update September 2015
It’s harder than ever for managing agents and landlords to stay safe, legal and competitive.
It’s harder than ever for managing agents and landlords to stay safe, legal and competitive.
ARLA President, Peter Savage, shares his dos and don'ts of being a landlord.
Lettings Director, David Gilson, from College and County shares his top tips for buying your first buy-to-let property.
If you’re thinking of purchasing a buy-to-let, ensure you follow these top pieces of advice from Rightmove’s resident expert, Geoff Fricker
If we were to draw up a list of wants and needs for tenants we would see that logistics feature heavily.
Sally Lawson, Landlord & Letting Agent and Vice President of ARLA, looks at the hurdles to overcome when you're a landlord.
Are you aware of what affects house prices? Here’s the top five things to look out for if you’re thinking about investing in property.
Property auctions offer a fast and effective way of buying or selling a property or piece of land.