House prices close to all-time high – will ‘granlords’ drive them higher?
Average new seller asking price is just £30 below June 2014 record as high demand reduces the impact of tighter lending controls
Average new seller asking price is just £30 below June 2014 record as high demand reduces the impact of tighter lending controls
John Charles Property Investments regularly provide comment on the property and pension market.
Paying your tax is one job you really need to be on top of – and the clock is ticking.
When renting out a property you need to be aware that you will require specialist landlord insurance.
Rightmove’s director and housing analyst Miles Shipside looks the property ladder and who likely to win and lose as the year unfolds.
The commercial property landscape has been treacherous, but SMEs can finally feel more confident about buying commercial premises.
London is becoming more and more attractive to foreign investors and it is the high-end properties that they are most interested in.
As confidence grows within the UK housing market we have seen property prices escalate at an incredible rate.