
Happy? You are if you’re in Taunton: Town crowned happiest place to live in the South West

Happy? You are if you’re in Taunton: Town crowned happiest place to live in the South West

The town ranks third overall in Great Britain, with high scores in neighbourliness, décor and pride all helping it win the regional crown.

interactive, Property news   |   June 11, 2014
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Happy? You are if you’re in Inverness: City crowned happiest place to live in Scotland

Happy? You are if you’re in Inverness: City crowned happiest place to live in Scotland

Inverness has been voted the happiest place to live in Scotland in the Rightmove Happy at Home Index.

interactive, Property news   |   June 4, 2014
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Ideas Factory competition winners!

Ideas Factory competition winners!

After four months of idea generation from our fantastic users, we sadly bid farewell to the Ideas Factory Facebook competition - Here are the winners!

Property news   |   August 4, 2011
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