With laws in many countries making cigarette and tobacco smoking increasingly restrictive, it was only a matter of time before the issue became prevalent in the property sector.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

Now, some countries and local authorities are looking at the issue of people smoking in apartment complexes, and the complaints received by neighbouring residents and property owners. The issue concerns the escape of smoke into common areas such as hallways, but predominantly from private balconies.

Currently in New South Wales, Australia, NSW Fair Trading is reviewing strata and community title legislation, and one of the key areas being examined is the issue of cigarette smoke. There are petitions and organised campaigns to have cigarette smoking banned in all areas of the property, inside and out, while civil libertarians question the restriction on freedoms within one’s own home.

Present legislation restricts smoking in all indoor common areas and within a fixed perimeter of the building’s entrances. However the body corporate of an individual building also has the power to determine its own by-laws on the issue, and some have already banned smoking from private balconies and all common areas, including external ones.

It’s an issue that is only likely to become more prevalent across the world in the coming years, so if you are a smoker, it pays to look into the rules and regulations surrounding second hand smoke – as well as, indeed, the purchase and import of tobacco products.

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