5 things people renting should know about security
Private renting has been on the rise across the UK and for many people it can be very confusing when it comes to things you can and can’t do around the security of your rented property.
Top 5 deposit-friendly decorating tips for renters
Here are our top five ways to make your rental property feel more like home, where the only limitations are your imagination!
Right to Rent is rolled out across England, ARLA explains what this means to renters and landlords
The Home Office has this week announced rollout across England of Right to Rent checks as part of the Immigration Act 2014.
What do tenants want?
If we were to draw up a list of wants and needs for tenants we would see that logistics feature heavily.
Rent rise surge as rest of country outstrips London – high tenant demand, growing most in the East
Asking rents outside London jumped by 2.7% in the 2nd quarter of 2015, compared to the capital’s smaller but still substantial increase of 2.0%.
Rightmove reaches the largest audience
Agents who advertise on Rightmove are reaching more home-hunters and sellers than any other property website.