The Only Way is Renting: Essex dominates most in demand rental hotspots
Rightmove's research reveals that six of the top ten rental hotspots outside Greater London are in Essex.
Rightmove's research reveals that six of the top ten rental hotspots outside Greater London are in Essex.
The average asking rent of a two bed property in Plumstead is £1,143 per month, seven times cheaper than the most expensive area, Mayfair.
Esher in Surrey is the most expensive place in the UK to rent a two bed property outside of London1, according to new research from Rightmove.
Rightmove’s director and housing analyst Miles Shipside looks the property ladder and who likely to win and lose as the year unfolds.
The increased number of renters wanting to get on the housing ladder next year could see rental prices stay flat for tenants staying put.
Despite the travails of the property market post-credit crunch, Britain’s desire to own a roof, rather than rent one, remains stoically undimmed.
A recent article in Homes and Property cited four hotspots within London as the best places for investors to buy to rent out to students.
Vita Student explains how the UK student property market has boomed attracting an increasing number of investors into the market.