The most common way Brits get residency in Australia and New Zealand is with a skilled worker visa. Typically, each year Australia and New Zealand will open their doors to a set number of migrant workers with skills that will benefit their nation, especially in areas where there is a skills shortage.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

There will be a thorough application process to go through, but for those that meet the required conditions and are suitably qualified, it’s a great way to start a new life. Here is an brief guide to skilled worker visas for Australia and New Zealand.


From July 1, anyone applying for a visa under the country’s skilled migration program will first have to record an Expression of Interest (EOI) through a new on-line system called SkillSelect. Postal applications will not be allowed. All EOIs will be allocated a score against a points test and ranked against other applicants, with the highest ranking being invited to apply for a skilled visa by employers or regional governments.

July 1 also saw the introduction of a consolidated list outlining what professions can apply for skilled migration. The list is extensive and features everything from engineers, architects and regional planners to dentists, tradesmen and teachers. The changes introduced on July 1 signify the biggest shake-up to the Australian immigration system for years and have given rise to concerns that the new system is less fair than the previous one and less visas will be granted.

However, supporters argue that SkillSelect allows the country’s immigration department to determine what the country’s labour needs are, how many positions are available and where they are located in the country. People are now able to lodge a quick and free of charge application, which will give them a faster answer as to whether or not they possess the skills needed to gain entry and whether or not there is a job available for them. In the long run it should save people time, money and hassle.

July 1 also saw the introduction of a fast-tracked route to permanent residency for migrants already working in Australia on temporary skilled 457 visas. For more information, visit the website of immigration law firm Taylor Hampton, based in London.


Also based on a points system, to be eligible for emigration to New Zealand under the Skilled Migrant category, you must be: under 56 years of age; meet the health, character and English language requirements; score at least 100 points in the Points System to submit an Expression of Interest.

Points are assigned on the basis of your skills, relevant work experience, qualifications, age and whether you have a job offer in New Zealand. Applicants must lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI) at the New Zealand Immigration Service (NZIS). Your EOI will be ranked with others and if successful you will be invited by the NZIS to lodge an application for residence. In your application you will need to supply evidence to support all claims made in your EOI.

The date that you make your residence application with the NZIS determines the policy that your application will be assessed against. It is therefore vital to lodge your application as soon as possible to avoid any potentially negative changes to migration legislation. The NZIS then assesses the evidence provided in the application, as well as your ability to make a valuable contribution to New Zealand’s social and economic development.

In addition, further points are awarded if an eligible partner has any relevant skills, work experience, qualifications or a job offer.

As well as paying for the services of a certified migration agent to help you with your application, you can start the process of applying for a New Zealand Skilled Migration Visa by going to the New Zealand Government website. The government fees for a visa application range in price, depending on your own personal circumstances and the subclass of visa you are applying for. The total government fee can be anything from NZ$930 (approx. £474) for a family category visa to NZ$2,400 (approx. £1,225) for certain skilled visas.

If you are emigrating to Australia or New Zealand, or any other destination, be sure to use a currency exchange specialist, such as Smart Currency Exchange, to transfer your pounds into your new local currency. Smart consistently offers better exchange rates than banks, saving you money, as well as a more efficient service. For more information on this, visit the Currency Zone, or download their free guide here.