Brittany property may gain from euro rate cut

Those investing in Brittany property may find that it soon becomes cheaper to take out a mortgage to do so.As part of the eurozone, France will see its interest rate lowered if the European Central Bank decides a cut is warranted tomorrow, something widely predicted by economists in a Reuters poll.The majority of the 81 [...]

By |2009-06-05T16:27:10+01:00December 3rd, 2008|Articles|

Brittany property promise may remain as French prices hold up

In news that may bolster those thinking of buying Brittany property, official figures in France have shown that prices have still risen this year.French National Estate Agents Federation data has indicated that in the 12 months to July 2008, the country's property prices rose by 1.7 per cent.This follows rises of 7.1 per cent in [...]

By |2009-06-05T16:27:11+01:00November 28th, 2008|Articles|

Classical taste for Brittany property investors

In news that may help attract more people to the Brittany property market, it has been revealed this week that the city of Nantes is to host a major musical event.The Nantes tourist authority has announced that La Folle Journee de Nantes - which it states is the biggest music festival in Europe - will [...]

By |2009-06-05T16:27:12+01:00November 21st, 2008|Articles|

Brittany property demand may rise thanks to eurozone cut

Last week's decision by the European Central Bank (ECB) to slash interest rates may help increase demand for Brittany property and other property in France, it has been suggested.French property specialists firm VEF has stated that initial signs following the move are that the level of demand across the country is rising.It noted that there [...]

By |2009-06-05T16:27:12+01:00November 10th, 2008|Articles|

Brittany property comes with Christmas treats

Those thinking of investing in Brittany Property may be attracted somewhat more by the prospect of being able to enjoy a number of Christmas markets in the various towns and cities of the region.Locations in the department holding such events include Perros Guirec, Ploermel and Rennes. These events enable visitors to the region to not [...]

By |2009-06-05T16:27:13+01:00October 22nd, 2008|Articles|

£100,000 ‘enough to buy in Brittany’

A specialist French property firm has said that those looking to find a Brittany property can do so with £100,000.VEF declared that buying homes in the south of Brittany is perfectly possible as there are many homes within this price range, with £100,000 equating to around €125,000 at present.Commenting after speaking to many would-be buyers [...]

By |2009-05-06T08:35:19+01:00October 3rd, 2008|Articles|

France the place to go, say experts

French property firm VEF has said that the country is the best place in Europe in which to invest in property at present.The firm said the advantages the country has are many at this current time, stating that France is still enjoying economic growth, with no prospect of imminent recession.It also stated that the French [...]

By |2009-05-06T08:35:20+01:00October 1st, 2008|Articles|

France ‘to reform property market cautiously’

The French government has signalled that it is planning to reform its property market in a way that will avoid it matching the kind of problems seen elsewhere in the credit crunch. French president Nicolas Sarkozy has pledged reforms to make the French a nation of property owners but finance minister Christine Lagarde told the [...]

By |2009-05-06T08:35:39+01:00September 26th, 2008|Articles|

Home from Home as Brittany offers cultural variety

Those thinking of investing in Brittany Property may be interested by the variety it offers for people keen to enjoy a bit of culture.While French culture can be enjoyed in abundance, overseas property investors may also note that a taste of home is available at various times of the year, something that could be enjoyed [...]

By |2009-05-06T08:35:39+01:00September 25th, 2008|Articles|

Experts back French lifestyle and cost as good for British buyers

Britons buying property in France are favoured by a number of advantageous elements, including an attractive lifestyle, food and culture, exhibitors at the French Property Exhibition in London have said.Representatives of companies, including those selling Brittany property, said the lower costs and the stable property market are also major advantages for UK buyers.Terry Lucas of [...]

By |2009-05-06T08:35:57+01:00September 17th, 2008|Articles|