The French property market is offering a "window of opportunity" to buy at a reduced cost, an agent working in the country has stated.

In comments that may interest potential Brittany property investors, a representative of French specialist real estate firm VEF has commented that in the present climate many sellers are willing to accept a lower price from British buyers while the exchange rate between the pound and euro are near parity.

The official added that these buyers will be looking for higher offers when the value of sterling starts to recover, making the present a good time to find a bargain.

Brittany property investors may also be able to use the current economic situation to their advantage when investing in homes that could be rented to tourists for modest amounts.

Earlier this month a Daily Telegraph feature on cut-price travel noted that getting to places like Brittany is much cheaper than it used to be, with a car plus passengers being able to cross on the Dover-Calais ferry for less than a third of the 1992 price.

This could mean that Brittany attracts a large share of those looking for cheaper holidays during the recession.

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